So the rule is that, you don't need to go thousands of kilometers away to take the best pictures. It's easy to say, but it's also easy to feel uninspired by what for us is the usual landscape. It takes an extra effort (at least for me) to remember to bring my camera along, when I go for a stroll in Milano. Don't take me wrong, I love Milano, I believe it's full of hidden corners where beauty waits to be discovered- but because I live here, this beauty is even more hidden. So last Saturday, after going to the most fun shop of exotic/international food in Via Paolo Sarpi - Chinatown, in Milano- we walked to Parco Sempione, and I made an exercise, I tried to depict the typical city park details, to give relevance even to the most granted spots. Maybe they are not the most exciting, but later, working on them, I realized that these details could belong to any city park- Central Park, Tiergarten, Jardin du Luxembourg- where city people go and chill..